Five Week Academic Success Workshop
The Five Week Academic Success Workshop consists of:
Grit/Growth Mindset
Studies have shown that success follows more from perseverance than intelligence. Gritty people tend to be more successful than their less gritty counter parts, especially during challenging times. A growth mindset fosters grit and has shown to improve academic achievement. You will learn the importance of grit, the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how to foster a growth mindset.
Effective Praise
All types of praise are not equal, certain types can be meaningless and even counterproductive. How and when you praise a child can make a big difference. Effective praise helps build self-esteem and confidence. You will learn the do’s and don’ts of effective praise and how to apply the do's effectively.
Character Strengths
We tend to be more aware of our weakness than the positive traits we possess that allow us to do things well. Most people are not aware of their strengths. Knowing your strengths and how to use them allows you to be more successful at what you do. You will learn what character strengths are, how to identify them in others and how to use them effectively.
Having self-control is good for you. According to leading researchers the ability to delay gratification is critical for a successful life. Self-control is correlated with a slew of positive outcomes. You will learn what self-control is, what ego-depletion is and how to foster self-control in your children.
Embracing Failure and Fostering Self-Efficacy
The idea of failure inevitably conjures up a negative connotation. However, if we fear failure how do we challenge ourselves. Self-efficacy is the belief that we can accomplish what we set out to do. Experiencing a sense of self-efficacy could be considered the antidote to the fear of failure. You will learn the benefits of effective failure, what self-efficacy is and how to foster a sense of self-efficacy in your children.
Workshop Objectives
Understand the importance of grit and growth mindset.
Learn how to foster grit and a growth mindset in your children.