Five Week Happiness Habits Workshop
The Five Week Happiness Habits Workshop consists of:
Understanding Happiness
Most of us want to be happy. But few of us know what happiness really is and how to achieve it. Positive psychology is the scientific study of human happiness. In this class we will discuss what positive psychology is, how happiness is defined, what it is and what it is not.
How to Create a Habit
What is a habit and how do you break bad habits? A large percent of our day is made up of our habits. If we didn't consign our actions to habits we would have to think about how to do everything. In this class participants will learn how habits are formed, techniques to form new habits and how to break bad habits.
What is Gratitude and How to Practice It
Most of us are aware of the importance of attending to and appreciating the good in our lives, in other words practicing gratitude. Research shows that practicing gratitude considerably increases personal well-being. We will discuss how to actively practice gratitude and you will learn tools that will enable you to experience and express more gratitude.
Practicing Self-Compassion
Most people are kinder to others than they are to themselves. Most people believe that they are letting themselves off the hook too easily if they don't beat themselves up after a mistake. Being kind to yourself isn't a luxury, it increases your well-being. In this class you will learn how to be kinder to yourself.
Others Matter
Research tells us that social support is key to well-being. We tend to have an easy time empathizing with and encouraging others during bad times. But fostering relationships during good times is just as important. You will learn a skill that will enable you to enhance your social support by responding effectively when good things happen to others.
Workshop Objectives
Learn the skills studies show foster happiness.
Learn how to apply these skills.
Learn how to teach your children these skills.